Riceworks is an innovative snack company dedicated to bringing active people healthier, gluten free snacks that taste surprisingly great.

Acquired in 2018 by my long-time client Wholesome Goodness - the Riceworks brand had been mis-managed by the previous owner, but the snacks themselves were tremendous. Wholesome Goodness recognized the opportunity to turn things around in a big way.

Rapid Rollout
At the time the brand has acquired, the packaging had been recently redesigned by the previous owner. At first glance, the design was high end and looked pretty good – but a little research revealed it was too much of a departure from the previous design. From the consumer’s point of view – it was as if the product disappeared from the shelves. We decided to keep the bones of the current packaging while bringing back the bold colors of the ‘classic’ look to tie the brand to its legacy. As the updated packaging was rolled out in stores, sales started to trend back in the right direction. An added benefit was that grocers loved the updated look – making it easier to get Riceworks in new stores.

Jim is nimble to respond and was instrumental in helping us to pivot to meet market needs.
When the pandemic hit, we initiated a plan to protect our base business and be ready to grow again when the economy got back on track. We launched initiatives for new products, established a presence on Amazon, and invested in internet advertising. Jim was instrumental in helping us understand what we needed to do and helped us get it done. While many businesses went under, we were able to maintain sales through the pandemic, and now we’re enjoying robust growth in 2021.
Rick Letizia – President, Wholesome Goodness